The Department of Agriculture is a Government agency responsible for the promotion of agricultural development by providing framework, public investments, and support services needed for domestic and export- oriented business enterprises.
Core Functions
1. Assist in the formulation and implementation of agricultural policy for the District Assembly within the framework of national policies.
2. Submit report on the implementation of policies and programmes to the District Assembly.
3. Advice the District Assembly on matters related to agricultural development in the district.
4. Promote extension services to farmers.
5. Promote soil and water conservation measures by the appropriate agricultural technology.
6. Promote an effective and integrated water management.
7. Encourage improvement in livestock breeds.
8. Assist in developing early warning systems on animal’s diseases.
9. Facilitate and encourage vaccination and immunization of livestock and control of animal diseases.
10. Promote agro-processing and storage.
11. Facilitate Plant Protection and Regulatory Services.
12. Provision of agricultural support service that are beneficial to farmers, processors and marketers to help bridge gender gaps in the agriculture sector.
To collectively empower farmers and the private sector to increase agricultural productivity and profitability, taking into account sustainability and resilience.
Implementation of Government Flagship programmes:
1. Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ)
2. Rearing for Food and Jobs (RFJ)
3. Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD)
A world class sustainable city with modern infrastructure, quality social services, resilient environment and an investor friendly destination.
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