Education deals with the number of institutions, enrolment, staffing, performance at BECE and other non-physical activities related to education in the Municipality.
Number of Educational Institutions: The total number of educational institutions (public and private) in the Municipality as at 2017 Second Quarter is summarized below:

There has been a slight change in the number of educational institutions comparing the year 2014 to 2017. Spatial Distribution of Educational Facilities is been shown in the figure below;

Enrolment in Schools : Enrolment in basic schools was of mix feelings comparing the base year (2014) to the end of the period 2017. Enrolment in primary schools saw a drop of 3.2 percent comparing 2014 (17,132) to 2016 (17,114). In all there was a general increase in enrolment at the primary school level (17,132 in 2014 and 17,425 in 2017).

Gender Parity Index (GPI) : The Gender Parity Index which is the ratio of males to females in schools has improved across all the levels of basic education comparing the base year 2014 to the end of the period 2017.

Staffing in Public Schools: There were increases in the absolute number of trained teachers at all levels of public basic schools. This came about as a result of the posting of more teachers to the municipality. However the number of untrained teachers went down due to the fact that most of them upgraded themselves by obtaining Diploma in Education through distance.

The Municipal Directorate of Education (MEO)
The Directorate is headed by a Director and staff made up of teaching and non-teaching officers. It has four units headed by Assistant Directors – Supervision, Planning, Human Resource Management Development and Finance and Administration. The staffing situation as at 30th June 2017 is shown below: